Personal Knowledge Management

Week one of ICT and pedagogy has been an overwhelming experience. However, has raised some interesting points. One point in particular is based on Harold Jarche (2011) on Personal Knowledge Management. This process clarifies the importance of blogging and why it is being used on the basis for learning in the course EDC3100.

Seek, Sense, Share is exactly what we are doing now. We seek information daily through ICTs such as Google, Facebook and Google Scholar in order to keep up to date. Where as sense is the basis where one might reflect or put into practice the new found knowledge. While share is the process in which exchanging resources ideas, and experiences with other networks or colleagues (Kanter, 2011).

PKM can be used in relation to when educators find and create activities from findings on ICTs. They then reflect on the benefits of the activity and whether they achieved the learning goal. It is then where the educator can share their idea so that other educators can use or put into practice in their own classrooms.

Thanks for reading.

Jarche, H. (2011). What is your PKM routine? Retrieved, 10th March 2015, from:

Kanter, B. (2011). Using Social Media for Professional Learning: Seek, Sense, and Share. Retrieved, 10th March 2015, from:

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